Our team members provide you with strong knowledge and a specific skills set to best assist you in the management of your international affairs.  AntCo offers technical expertise in a wide range of fields such as accounting, law, finance, wealth management, real estate & administration to be able to satisfy all project needs.

Robert Anthony
Principal Partner


Robert Anthony is the Principal Partner of AntCo and AntCo International. He was formerly Professor of International Tax Law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California. He is a British Chartered Certified Accountant (UK) and Certified Financial Planner (France). Robert has submitted a number of publications to various international journals.  He regularly speaks at international conferences as an expert in family office issues. Robert is a member of GGI and FNAIM.
Christophe Maulny
Senior Wealth Manager


Christophe has been working as an International Wealth Manager at AntCo for the last 15 years. He provides international clients with his strong expertise in developing cross border strategies. He is also specialised on investment advisory allocations. Christophe has an International Finance Postgraduate Degree.
Emily Watterlot
Administrative and Accounting Assistant


Emily is originally from the North of France, where she studied for a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Accounting/Management. As an accountant and for almost 15 years, she gained professional experience in various sectors of activity, including an accounting firm in Lille. Emily then joined the prestigious “Compagnie des Alpes” Group, as Accounting Manager for the Grévin Museum and France Miniature in Paris and Yvelines. For more than 3 years, Emily has been working in the Côte d’Azur and in our firm as an Administrative and Accounting Assistant: payroll, SCI/SARL accounting and client management hold no secrets for her.